Saturday, June 20, 2009

good mornings

I didn’t expect to wake up feeling like this: completely relaxed; my eyes lulling over the familiar scene of my bedroom in the morning light, as if I had been looking at it the entire time only dormant; no magnetic pull towards a clock; no sobering moment when the images of the forthcoming day fast-forward behind my lids; just calm. After having gone to bed at five thirty a.m. and all the things that go hand in hand with that sort of night. I felt good. I was thankful for the gray weather; nature’s clouds providing me with blinds I don’t other wise have, the sound of raindrops soothing. Sometimes, I find that I take in bad weather like a breath of fresh air, and not just because it’s the only way I can - usually - sleep in, but also because, unlike the hype and bright prospects that are attributed to a sunny day, bad weather demands nothing, expects nothing, and most of all, doesn’t presume you to be in a good mood. Sometimes, there is just too much expectation in a sunny day. There is something oddly soothing and comforting in the enveloping cool hues of an overcast sky.

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